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Audio Visits

Montreal ! Just the way I remembered.

Many didn't know. I used to live in Montreal in the 90s. It was like my second home in Canada. Had I stayed in Montreal, maybe our name would be "Élément acoustique". Nevertheless, Montreal is just the way I remembered. It's cold, it's snowing, but people love their music like I love my poutine.

We came to celebrate the 35th anniversary of our distributor ~ Plurison, and for the first time, we came to visit "Salon Audio Montreal Aud...io Fest". It is also a great opportunity to meet up with many manufacturers and distributors in the East coast.

The show just started today. And I want to congratulate the organizer for putting a fabulous audio show. And kudos to all the exhibitors for beautiful sounding room at the show.

I see so many people attending the show with true music passion. It really puts a smile on my face, because it's nice to know we are not alone.


IsoAcoustics - OREA Series
Dynavector - DV 20X2
Sennheiser - Sennheiser 820 headphone
Western Electric - 300-B Vacuum Tube
Focal - Headphone - Bathys headphone
  New Listings
Dynavector - DV 20X2
PRE-OWNED - Nordost Sort Fut - Premium package(USED)
Technics - Technics for Automobili Lamborghini SL-1200M7B
PRE-OWNED - Audioquest Dragon High Current PC (USED)
T+A - Pulsar S 130
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