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Audio Visits
CD player YBA Passion 1000, Pioneer Elite BDP-09FD
Pre-amplifier YBA Passion 1000
Power Amplifier YBA Passion 1000
Speaker B&W 802 D
Stand / isolation Finite Elemente Pagode Edition HD-13 (special edition) with Cerabase, Cerapuc, and Ceraballs
Power Treatment Quantum Resonant Technology EMF Stabilizer QX4, and Powerbis Maestro power bar.
Cables BIS audio cable
Tweaks Shunyata Research Dark Field Cable Elevators, Hifi Tuning fuses on all equipments.

Yves-Bernard Andre is an audio genius, and a master of sound tuning.  I'm always impressed by YBA's analog-alike musicality, and the more I learn about YBA, I'm more impressed by his attention to details, and well thought design throughout.

YBA was not known for its power, until the arrival of Passion.  The new YBA passion 1000s were ever powerful performers.  It inherits the trait from previous Signature line, with cleaner, fast and controlled, and total transparency in soundstage.  The midrange is very seductive and smooth as always; while the microdynamics sparkles.  J's system is a complete showcase of YBA passion.  From the CD player, to preamp, and to power amplifier.  They are as beautiful as one can expect; or as Stereophile reviewer described as "you kick-it-and-you-die" built quality. 

Of course, expensive components do not necessary guarantee excellent sound.  J is like YBA's half brother in Canada, he pays a lot of attention to details and fine tunes.  All YBA's are placed on the world's best audio rack available - Finite Elemente Pagode Edition.  We waited months for this rack, due to its special matching finish with B&W speakers.  In accordance with the fundamental design of YBA, each shelf of Pagode Edition is independently isolated; and each component is 3-point isolated by Finite Elemente's cera-isolation device, including power supplies.  B&W speakers are also isolated on the Ceraballs, specially made for B&W speakers.  All cables are made by BIS audio cable, a little company from Quebec, and are elevated by Shunyata's cable elevators.  Power controlled by Nordost's Quantum Resonant Technology stabilizer.  And of course, all fuses are Hifi-tuning fuses.

"Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark." ~ Henri-Frédéric Amiel.

Just like the YBA Passion series, I think J himself is the #1 "PASSION".  Of course, every passionate audiophile must have a very supportive and understanding wife.  :) 

Pagode Edition, one of the best rack in the world, in special rosenut finish
Beautiful display of complete YBA setup on Pagode Edition rack
B&W 802D speakers in Rosenut finish
J's very attention to details
La Passion 1000

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Western Electric - 300-B Vacuum Tube
Sennheiser - Sennheiser 820 headphone
Focal - Headphone - Bathys headphone
Dynavector - DV 20X2
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T+A - Pulsar S 130
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Orpheus Lab - Absolute Preamplifier
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