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Alright, I may have misled a little.  There is no PS audio in this system, but it is PS's audio system. 

I've known PS for a long time.  If there is one word I may describe his system, that is "Kaizen".  What is "Kaizen"?  It's a Japanese term (used mostly in business), meaning "continuous improvement".  In my opinion, PS has a very nice system already, but he is always looking for ways to improve.  Sometimes, the tuning and improvement is free.  It may simply be re-positioning the speakers or moving the equipments around.  Sometimes, it costs a lot of money; like buying a new house with a dedicated audio room and dedicated power line.  :)  

PS loves live music and has the golden ears for the sound.  He is very particular about the sound of his system and he can detect the change in a heart beat.  He often shares his tuning experience and result with me; which I often share with our customers as well.  No system sounds alike, and we are just trying to get the maximum result from our system.  That's really the fun part of this hobby. 

PS's Audio System
Speakers ProAc Response D Two speakers
Power Amplifier

AirTight ATM1-S tube amplifier (36 WPC)

Pre Amplifier Linn Akurate Kontrol preamp
Power treatment Wattgate Rhodium AC receptacles, Audience Adept Response and Synergistic Research power conditioning, Nordost Valhalla power cords

Thorens TD-160HD with Clearaudio Talismann V2 Gold cartridge

Phono Stage Clearaudio Accu+ battery powered phono

Synergistic Research, Nordost, Cardas and Crystal

Music Servers

Cambridge Audio 840c 24-384 upsampling CD/DAC fed 24-96 WAV files via wi-fi and 2TB HDD


HRS, Symposium Ultra, Synergistic Research Tranquility Base, Solid Tech rack

Below is from PS:

Personal tips/tricks - try every isolation shelf under every component. Same with your cabling. Don't assume the most expensive will sound the best under the amp or the preamp or your turntable. Test each and listen. Do not overdamp the support under your tube amp or speakers. Spike to floor with rigid but non-resonant isolation. Same with bookshelfs such as Proac. Spike stands to floor, spike speakers to base of speaker stands. Other materials such as blu tack under the speakers tend to muffle the dynamics. Move your speakers front to back, side to side. What looks best for room aesthetics, will likely sound the worst. When it is right you will know it.  Do not use stock AC receptacles! They cost fifty cents apiece at Home Depot, and sound terrible! I prefer Wattgate Rhodium receptacles for their dynamics. Tube rollers - try some NOS, they almost always beat new stock. Telefunken NOS preamp tubes get great reviews, but I prefer Valvo 12ax7, and GE Military spec 12au7. More dynamic.

AirTight ATM-1s amplifier with 36WPC
Linn Akurate preamp
ProAc D-2 speakers with Entreq Vibbeater
30 ft x 15 ft room with Primacoustics bass traps
30 ft x 15 ft room with Primacoustics bass traps
Thorens TD 160HD with Clearaudio Talismann Gold, Clearaudio phono stage.

IsoAcoustics - OREA Series
Sennheiser - Sennheiser 820 headphone
Dynavector - DV 20X2
Focal - Headphone - Bathys headphone
Mobile Fidelity - MFSL Original Master Sleeves
  New Listings
Dynavector - DV 20X2
PRE-OWNED - Nordost Sort Fut - Premium package(USED)
PRE-OWNED - Audioquest Niagara 7000 (USED)
PRE-OWNED - Audioquest Dragon High Current PC (USED)
T+A - Pulsar S 130
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