“Hey Ed, it’s DT. I’m in town this week, let’s meet up!”
I don’t see DT very often, but when we meet, we always have lots to talk about. Particularly his audio system. DT’s system is one of a kind, and it consists of:
Power Amplifier |
Soulution 701 Mono (pair) |
Preamplifier |
Soulution 720 + Cello Audio Palette |
CD/SACD Player |
Playback MPS-5 SACD Player |
Speakers |
Tidal Sunray |
Turntable |
Phono |
Aesthetix Rhea Signature |
Grounding box |
Entreq Silver Tellus + Silver Minimus x 2
Acoustics |
ASC Tube Traps, Realtraps and Vicoustics panels |
Rack |
Finite Elemente Master Reference
Synergistic Research TB platform
DT’s newest addition was the full Soulution system. Yes, they are expensive but they are an incredible match with Tidal speakers especially on Classical music. The speed, attack and transparency is just right; like the live musical experience !
In DT's own words: "I still don't know how good my system can sound, because it is still improving. But for what I look for in the musical performance, it's just incredible !"