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Upon entering the Burmester museum, we marveled at the array of equipment spanning twenty to thirty years of production. Back in the day, one could have only seen this extraordinary craftsmanship in the pages of a magazine - unless you were fortunate enough to have owned a piece of this state of the art equipment. Yet Burmester’s products withstand the test of time. You simply cannot sense the age of these carefully crafted designs. You could easily examine any of these 30 year old units and find elements of modern design, whether its quality of parts or the chrome plating, to be in mint condition. Also, all units in the museum can be powered on and still provide excellent sound quality.
In the museum, the crown jewel of Burmester, the legendary 777 pre-amplifier is the center case of the tour. This was the very first product that Dieter created and it was the one that orchestrated Burmester’s rise to fame. It was named 777 according to its launch date of July, 1977. Since then, Burmester have followed the tradition of naming their equipment in correspondence to its official release date.
Enthusiasts of Burmester products can easily name some classic products, such as the 808, 909, 911, 948, 956, 001, etc. Corresponding its model number with its release date, it means these models came out in the 80s, 90s and 2000s. In an industry that relies on constant improvements in technology, it's remarkable that these models are still current production models.
In fact, this is one of the classic trademarks of Burmester products. Like other luxury goods, such as Rolex or Patek Philippe watches, Chanel or Hermes leather goods, Burmester products share similar characteristics as these luxury goods are uniquely different from other products in the industry. Burmester positions all its products as audio jewelry. Unlike other home stereo products, Burmester does not fall into the vicious cycle of yearly or bi-yearly product releases. Burmester focuses on bringing products to the market with the best craftsmanship, quality and design, to last a lifetime rather than focusing on pushing out new products every year to entice user to upgrade. This also results in exceptionally high retaining values of their products, similar to other luxury goods.
走進Burmester (柏林之聲)的博物館,是見證歷史的時刻。一家公司的用心,這裡可以看得很清楚。許多年輕時在雜誌上見到的器材在這裡都看得到。由於Burmester 機器本身是跨時代的設計理念。以至於許多機器雖然都二三十多年了,歲月卻絲毫沒有留下任何痕跡。無論品樣,鍍金,外觀一點也不像是20-30 年的機器。每一台機器接起來就可以聽,而且音效極佳。
在博物館之中,最重要的,也是最傳奇的是777 前極功放。這正是老闆Dieter 的第一件成名作品,也正是這台機器奠定了Burmester名氣的基礎。777 是由它出品的日期:1977 年7 月命名的。自此所有的Burmester 產品型號都有這項傳統,由正式發表時間命名。
認識Burmester 的朋友一定能如數家珍,馬上可以說出ㄧ些Burmester 經典的型號,如808,909,911,948,956,001 等。但也可能也會問,這些都是1980,1990,2000 年的設計,可是他們現在還在市場上賣嗎?沒錯。這也是Burmester 的ㄧ大特點。和其他跨時代的精品,如 Rolex (勞力士) ,PatekPhilippe (百達翡麗) ,Chanel (香奈爾) ,Hermes (愛馬仕) 一樣。由於每件Burmester產品都是以精品定位。不像大部分的家用音響,每一,兩年就換款。Burmester 產品無論在作工,品質,保證,甚至在保值上,都有非常好的價值。例如當年買777 的客人,在用了36 年後,他的二手價值是以倍來計算的。不要說777,隨便拿一台948 還是911來說,在這15 年中,由於售價會慢慢的上漲,二手價值也在慢慢上升。也就是說,當年買的客人,在用了15~20 年後賣掉時,不但還有價值,甚至可能增值。我記得不久前一位朋友拿了一張圖表給我看: Chanel 女士皮包和S&P500 (標普500) 十年的投資回報率的比較。 有意思的是居然Chanel 女士皮包回報率比較高。在音響器材或電器用品中,除了幾台特定機器外,一個音響品牌的產品能夠如此歷久不衰,也就只有Burmester 了。
當然品牌的經營固然重要,產品本身也是要有本事的,不然如何讓聰明的客人買單呢?離開了Burmester的博物館,我們一行人進到了這次訪問的重點地方: Burmester生產部門。


The Legendary 777 pre-amplifier
Chorme and gold plating finish on the remote
909 mk1 amplifiers in black and chrome finish.
The 808 preamp is one of the most beautiful preamplifier in the world, in my opi

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