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To understand how each Burmester product is constructed, we first need to know the careful selection of every single part for their machines. Each and every part is carefully examined, tested, measured and paired to ensure maximum reliability, even for something as small as a resistor. Resistors that Burmester eventually select to put into their machines have a 3% yield rate. The low yield rate is not a testament to the quality of parts Burmester purchases, but the extreme high standards that Burmester enforce to ensure only the best of the best parts available make it out of their selection process. The parts that are put into every unit ensure the highest level of stability and lowest margin of variance to create everlasting machines.
Fabien further explained to us that when Dieter first graduated, he worked for a high tech medical company where the final product in that industry is known for zero tolerance for error and flawless functionality. Thus, this kind of attention to precision and zero tolerance for error stuck with Dieter when he started designing Burmester. That is also why Burmester machines are known for its durability and precision, even after 36 years of use.
Implementing these extreme high standards to select the absolute best parts is not rocket science. Having said that, very little hi-fi manufacturers will ever adapt this practice, simply because of high cost. Parts that cost other manufacturers cents will cost Burmester a hundred times, or a thousand times more. The only other company I can think of that goes into such extreme lengths would be FM Acoustics from Switzerland.
There are about 50 employees at the Burmester Factory. The work environment is well organized and clean, with ample lighting and music playing in the background as the engineers work. Using Burmester’s own music system of course. Most female engineers are responsible of the assembly of printed circuit boards. Burmester’s reasoning behind this is simply because female crafters are more meticulous when it comes to assembling delicate parts. Every single resister and capacitor is personally installed onto the PCB by the trained female engineers as nothing is outsourced out of country for cheaper labor. Burmester prides themselves in saying all their products are 100% German handmade.
After all the parts are installed and layout is completed, the soldering process is relegated to a computer automated soldering machine. When it comes to Soldering, the most important thing is consistency and accuracy, and while Burmester engineers are considered the top of their field, it is impossible to reduce human error to zero no matter how experience or talented you are. The automated soldering station constantly monitors the temperature of the solder to its optimal condition, and as the transport belt transfers the PCB into the soldering station, the automated process will accurately complete all solder points. The engineers would remove the completed PCBs and examine all the solder points.
Every completed PCB will then has to go through a series of testing, and only after it passes every extensive test it is then assembled into the machines by hand. Every process from production to assembly is all done in the Burmester facility. The engineers told us that its takes about 3 weeks on average for the completion of a single Burmester unit. To be certified by Burmester, each machine has to go through a daunting multi-stage testing process.
要了解Burmester 的製造,首先要知道,所有的零件都要進行精密配對。小到一顆電阻都經過測試,測量,和配對。淘汰率高達97%。這不是他們選用的零件不夠好,而是Burmester的精選標準非常之高,只留下最好的3%。為什麼要如此麻煩? 原因就是在誤差值和耐用度。Burmester代表告訴我們,老闆Dieter 大學畢業後的第一份工作不是作音響,而是在德國的高科技醫療器材公司。由於德國人個性天生就非常嚴謹,對事關人命的醫療器材更是不能有任何錯誤。所以對產品的管制十分吹毛求疵。而老闆Dieter 當時就把德國醫療級器材的製作管理理念帶進了高級Hi-End 音響。也是為什麼Burmester 機器用了36年還是這麼穩靠的原因。
這道理可能很簡單,可是在Hi-end 音響中如此作法的廠商少之又少。因為成本太高。別人花幾分錢買一顆的零件,Burmester 可能要花上百倍千倍的成本。據我所知有如此精密規格要求的另一家音響公司是瑞士的FM Acoustics。
Burmester 工廠有約50名工作人員,大部分女性工作人員負責PC板的排裝。據他們說是因為女性做事比較細心。旁邊的圖片可以看到,全部是由Burmester女性工作人員將每一顆電阻放入已經完工的PC板。而不是由其他地方請較廉價的勞工代工完成。全部是百分之百的德國製造。工作環境明亮清爽,當然工作一旁有音樂的陪伴。我看了一眼,果然是用Burmester 的音響系統。
每片完成的模組板還得要經過一系列的測試,測試合格之後,再由工作人員以手工慢慢組裝起來()。全部工作都在這Burmester 工廠內完工。我問了一下一部機器需要多久時間完成? 答案是:平均約3星期 ! 因為一部機器組裝完不代表完成。作為一部Burmester 合格出廠的產品還需要經過一系列的 – 魔鬼測試 !!


PCB going into the soldering station

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