The Paris turntable ... from top to bottom. The only thing from the Paris that is similar to what we have done in the past is its design signature, everything else is a total redesign resulting from our studies that lead to the development of the best turntable in the world … the Oracle Delphi Mk VI. The coupling disc is machined in two separate pieces of Delrin which is a crystalline plastic that offers an excellent balance of properties that bridge the gap between metals and plastics. The dish is independent of the tightening knob to prevent any damage to the record labels. The Delrin is a very efficient mechanical filter preventing the transfer of noise generated by the rotation of the spindle of the platter in its support. Although very minimal because of the built quality of the spindle holder system of the Paris, this rotational noise is always there … and we are tracking it and minimizing it very seriously! The platter is also machined in two parts. The under platter made of aluminum is the hub where the drive belt will make the platter rotate with extreme accuracy.
The upper platter is made of acrylic, this material is very inert, it does not allow any amplification of resonances, due to the stylus/record groove interaction, which could negatively and adversely influence the quality and the accuracy of the signal retrieved by the stylus which is stored in the record groove. Acrylic is also a very efficient mechanical filter. The spindle holder which supports the platter spindle uses two high precision bushings made of PEEK which is a high temperature resistant engineered thermoplastic with excellent chemical and fatigue resistance plus thermal stability. The tip of the spindle rests on a thrust plate which is made of the same high performance plastic material we make the bushings with. This is the same material used for the Delphi MK VI. This high performance assembly provides a smooth spindle rotation resulting in an improved signal to noise ration. The impact on the music reproduction is outstanding. You will hear more and cleaner inner details. The platter spindle is a high precision piece, made of stainless steel.
The platter and tone arm are mounted on a semi floating chassis. The main frame and the semi floating chassis of the Paris are made of high density wood fiber. This material is very inert because of the nature of its variable inner density which makes it a very efficient mechanical filter. For improved performance and rigidity the main frame and semi floating chassis are laminated in 3 layers The Oracle mechanical design concepts are always intimately linked to the overlapping of different materials interacting within a same assembly. The Paris is no different! Compared with the Delphi MK VI which has a full floating system with a very sophisticated spring suspension system and micro vibrations stabiliser system, the Paris suspension system is very efficient while being much simpler. It has been completely redesigned taking into account the findings that led to the development of the MK VI. The heart of the MK VI is its ability to control micro vibrations. The Paris uses fibreglass rods and Sorbothane to achieve this complex task. The combination of these materials contributes to virtually eliminate the access of unwanted vibrations to the semi floating chassis where the platter, the tone arm and the phono cartridge are interacting. This is extremely important to optimize the environment thus allowing the stylus to retrieve the best possible information from the record groove.
The Paris is a belt driven turntable. The motor which is a low voltage AC synchronous, the drive belt and the drive electronics of Paris are the same used for the Delphi MK VI. The drive electronics of the Paris has a very high precision oscillator circuit which creates a perfect sine wave signal to feed the motor thus ensuring high rotational accuracy for optimal speed stability. This system also isolates the drive electronics from line voltages impurities and fluctuations. The power adaptor of the Paris is 24volts DC. Again adhering to the mechanical filtering concept, the adjustable feet are made of Delrin. The convex shapes of the 3 feet procure a minimal contact surface with its supporting shelf. This also contributes to minimize the access of unwanted energy through the turntable system. The Paris turntable can accept a number of different tone arms. We offer plain or pre drilled tone arm boards to make this task easy. The Paris can also be fitted with a clear acrylic dust cover which is sold as an option. We developed the Paris so it can evolve in performance. The drive electronics architecture of Paris being what it is you can up grade your Paris turntable with the plug and play Turbo AC adaptor developed for the Oracle Delphi!
Color available: Black, Red, Metallic Grey, White
Paris MkV turntable with regular power supply $4,085
Paris MkV turntable with regular power supply and Paris carbon tonearm $5,200
Paris MkV turntable with Turbo MkII power supply $5,450
Paris MkV turntable with Turbo MkII power supply and Paris carbon tonearm $6,560
Paris clear acrylic dust cover with hinges $385