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The debate of linear tracking tonearm vs. radial tonearm goes on and on. Most analog-phile would agree that linear tracking arm is a lot more precise with very low tracking error (distortion), while maintenance and setup is really a pain. The radial tonearm, whether it is a 9”, 10” or 12”, is a lot easier to setup, but there is always that mathematical tracking angle and error in the back of our mind.

In a simple description, the Thales Simplicity ii is a radial arm that tracks like linear tracking tonearm. You may wonder, why didn’t we think of that? Well, in reality, it is an extremely difficult design task.

Thanks to the Swiss precision and craftmanship, the Thales Simplicity ii is really one of the most exciting tonearms I’ve setup and one of the best sounding tonearm I’ve owned in the last few years. Simply amazing !

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