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Audio Visits

The M.O.C. in Munich hosts one of the world's most well-known, popular and successful audio trade show. Some consider it to be the definitive source of audiophiles inspiration. This year marks the 30th year anniversary of the Munich High End show. With record attendance and ever enthusiasm from audiophiles all over the world, the 2011 Munich High End Show makes one of the largest and best audio show in the world.  Element Acoustics has our own coverage of this exciting audio event, and we have categorized in the following categories.  Please click on them to go to the page.

2011 Munich High End Show - Clearaudio

2011 Munich High End Show - Best Soundroom 1

2011 Munich High End Show - Best Soundroom 2

2011 Munich High End Show - Speakers 1

2011 Munich High End Show - Speakers 2

2011 Munich High End Show - Turntables 1

2011 Munich High End Show - Turntables 2

2011 Munich High End Show - Tubes 1

2011 Munich High End Show - Tubes 2

2011 Munich High End Show - Solid States 1

2011 Munich High End Show - Solid State 2

2011 Munich High End Show - Evening Gala

Transrotor turntable always catches my attention; featuring Tourbillion 07
Horn speakers from Tune Audio (Greece)
A special isolation material - artdifical coral
A colorful display of Project turntables
Avantgarde horns
Kharma featuring its new Composite drivers made of carbon fiber

Mobile Fidelity - MFSL Original Master Sleeves
T+A - DAC 200 D/A Converter / Preamplifier
Sennheiser - Sennheiser 820 headphone
Focal - Headphone - Bathys headphone
Western Electric - 300-B Vacuum Tube
  New Listings
T+A - Pulsar S 130
PRE-OWNED - Audioquest Dragon High Current PC (USED)
Dynavector - DV 20X2
Technics - Technics for Automobili Lamborghini SL-1200M7B
Orpheus Lab - Absolute Preamplifier
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