The international CES is the world's largest consumer technology trade show. In 2013, Jay and I both went to CES. We are focusing on the High-Performance audio during the CES, and hopefully bring you back some of the best sounding rooms at the CES. The system evaluation is freely our personal opinion; not to be advertised for any commercial means.
Since we focus mainly on high end audio, there are two parts of the show: The CES at the Venetian, and the SHOW at the Flamingo.
This year, we noticed three speakers with high presence throughout the entire show: Focal, Magico, and Marten. The Dan D'argostino's Momentum is also very "hot" this year. It was found in many high end rooms. And we noticed many rooms with either Transparent, Kubala, or Nordost cables.
There are some immediate eye openers: The Air Force One. It was designed and built by former Micro-Siki engineer and master from "Stereo Sound" in Japan. It is based on an air-bearing platter and a 95 pound chassis which consists of three part constrained layer damping structure composed of aluminum on the top and bottom, with "super duralumin" in the middle. The price tag........ $125,000 without tonearm.
In the same room, my friend Touraj (co-founder of Roksan and a master analog guru) is also showing his new tonearm. "It's a tonearm that nobody has ever thought of", he said. There is not name for it yet, and let's call it "the Reference" tonearm will retail around $35,000.